Thanks to CJ117 at forums.
SO -- I have a lot of comments to make on this entire thread... I guess I'll have to start at the beginning.
As for the growing of marijuana... I read a lot of comments about how people wouldn't buy marijuana, they'd just grow their own. I have to rebut that with the fact that Tobacco isn't very hard to grow. And yet how many people do you know that grow their own cigs? I don't know ANYONE. I've never even heard people discussing it.
If marijuana is legalized, people have the option of growing their own, but they'd almost definitely prefer to buy it. It's SO much easier, and we all know americans are fucking lazy as hell and would much rather fork over a few bucks to get their "fix" than wait 2-6 months for their crop to shell out. It's common sense people. Obviously, there'd be people like buzzby and possibly myself who would really love to try growing our own. It's an experience all in itself. But the vast majority of people would end up stopping by the liquor store instead of Home Depot Garden Center.
As for the "increase in consumption"... think about it - people are going to be curious to try this stuff that's had such a huge political fiasco surrounding it. People are BOUND to pick up a pack and give it a shot. It's a given that more people will begin to smoke weed, or at least try it. I'm willing to bet many people will like it. But as soon as all the regulations change regarding employment, driving; the social policies we instill on one another; studies emerge, etc. you have to realize there would be a massive culture reformation surrounding this plant. As it has in other countries, marijuana use would find its equilibrium in our society and dwindle down to a reasonable statistic.
The DUI issue -- Consider that not everyone that drinks and then drives, and then is pulled over is immediately arrested. I can drive perfectly fine after chugging a 24 oz bottle of smirnoff (yeah gimmie all the shit about it not being beer its still alcohol dammit!) and I don't drink at all. I have zero tolerance for the stuff so it hits me hard.
This is why we have sobriety tests. Police will undoubtedly devise tests and mandates that surround the pot issue. I can drive fine when I'm high. But I get to a certain point and I don't feel so up to driving. It's scary fun, but its a risk I'd really rather not take. If you're really baked and unable to drive, you're obviously gonna get busted. If you're able to function behind the wheel, that would be reflected in your sobriety test.
Additionally, it would be wise to consider the following: Do you feel up to driving when you're blasted? Isn't there a point you REALIZE you'd rather not drive? People who smoke weed don't go out and do the same stupid shit they do while drunk. It doesn't have that same effect like alcohol that makes you feel daring and destroys your reasoning skills (due to the fact that its KILLING YOUR BRAIN!!!). For those who do, as I'm sure there's exceptions to that observation, the sobriety tests police would administer would surely expose that fact and said offenders would be punished accordingly. It's COMMON SENSE.
One more thing I've gotta say about drug policy in the workplace... I think it would be ridiculous if companies were to continue the same mandates about marijuana after the legalization. Consider that people are not tested for alcohol in the workplace. Rightly so, intoxication is grounds for dismissal. So you don't often see beer bottles in office cubicles. The same should be for marijuana. Responsible people who use during off hours should be allowed to continue to do so. I see many lawsuits in the future of legalization revolving around this issue should companies not revise their laws. I feel sobriety is necessary in the workplace. I think most people do. But after hours it shouldn't matter.
As for this bill, I feel it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that we EDUCATE the public about Marijuana. We can't just expect this bill to PASS ON ITS OWN. People are STILL IGNORANT of the TRUTHS about marijuana. Its effects, its contents, w/e.. people still believe the myths they've been told all their lives. WE HAVE TO DO OUR PART TO CHANGE THIS. If we don't, if we sit on our asses, this bill is BOUND FOR FAILURE. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW. It's now or never. (or maybe again and again and again but seriously let's put a stop to that!)
"In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded."
Legalize! Regulate! EDUCATE!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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- 420-friendly
- I am a single dad. I like playing on the computer. I smoke pot. I am slowly becoming a legalization activist. I am an open book, but only if you ask.
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