Tuesday the 21st. The day after 4/20 is Holocaust Remembrance Day. From a high to a low. Did you enjoy your 420 Day? I sure did, despite the weather.
It was cold and raining. I did not get to the park until 4:00. I waited as long as I could for the rain to let up. It did, but only enough to fool one into going out, then it would start up again. I did not take my camera. It was not a good day for photos.
I'd guesstimate about 200 people were in the park. There would have been 10 times that many if it wasn't raining. At 4:20 a great cheer went up. I am sure it could be heard all the way across the park to City Hall. I wonder if they were listening? Following the great cheer was a huge plume of smoke as the gathering crowd let out a collective exhale. Then another cheer. Now THAT was ubercool!
After the damp celebration in Vic Park my buddy and I walked around downtown a bit. We then stopped in at The Poacher's Arms for a beer, then Joe Kool's, then The Ceeps and then Molly Blooms. That was were we party company since my buddy had a blind date at 7. LOL. He was in fine shape for a blind date. I wonder how that went. :P I continued homeward and stopped at Marino's for a final pint. Every pub I went to was very quiet. I guess that shouldn't have been too much of a surprise for a rainy Monday. I got home in time to watch 24, but cannot recall what happened. :P
For those following this tale... I shared The Perfect Blunt with a few people, but mostly it was my buddy and I who smoked it. Actually, it was mostly me. My buddy stopped taking the pass before it was halfway done. I continued to smoke as we walked through the park. There was something special about freely smoking while strolling through the park exchanging "happy 420" with all I saw. I was carrying a couple lesser joints, but never got to them. That blunt was enough to last me all day. Sweet!
What shocked me the most was this morning while reading the newspaper (something I rarely do) and looking through the London Free Press online, I saw not one word mentioned about the gathering in Victoria park. Not ONE word. It's not like it was a secret. I can only surmise that the conservative "Free" press was directed to stay away so as not to draw attention. Is the 420 celebration not newsworthy? I am sure the 200 that showed and those who let the rain keep them away thought it was. Maybe the Western or Fanshawe papers have something. Maybe not.
I hope we can do better on May 2nd (or 3rd as some cities are doing). Will London have a parade? I doubt it. I don't see anyone taking on the chore of organizing one. Toronto will have a great parade, the Stoner Games where you can win tickets to The Cannabis Cup. I would like to take part in something local, but figure I'll probably have to go to the Toronto events instead. We'll see.
Most of the day was great, despite the weather. Seeing no press coverage was a huge dissappointment, but I am used to being dissappointed by our local paper and City Hall. Maybe I should start looking for a 420 friendly city and move; or better yet start working to make London a 420-friendly city. When's the next election? I got excited yesterday when I saw a nice big marijuana leaf on the front page of the LFP. Turns out the story was about yet another grow-op bust, not about 420 Day.
In other news.......
I think I am going to sell 420-friendly.com. I am not the guy to take it where it can go. I am more of a blogger and will stick to that for the time being. I am not too unhappy with this blogging format. The only thing that bugs me is how the comments are hidden and how one cannot use much html in them. At least the editor isn't there as it is whilst making a new post. Now if I just make a new post intead of "commenting" my new words are at the top of the page so it has to be read bottom to top, which is not what I want. Is there a blog site out there where commenters have as much editing ability as the author? And where comments are visible below the main post? Let me know if you see one and I'll take it for a test blog.
Later.....happy Post 420 Day!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
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About Me

- 420-friendly
- I am a single dad. I like playing on the computer. I smoke pot. I am slowly becoming a legalization activist. I am an open book, but only if you ask.
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