I sent myself away from my own blog! I was checking some links from my last copy and paste article and got steered to some really good videos, a great piece on The Blues Brothers and a very important blog, aptly named The Very Important Blog. I got lost reading this blog. It seemed so...I don't know...important.
A friend once suggested that it was a very bad thing to put links on your website (blog). He claimed that people would click and go away. Obviously, this is true in part, I just did it to myself. But, I came back. I copy links to sites, photos and vids to a text document. It's kinda' like a diary of where I was and what I saw. If I found interest in a site I'd go back.
With this blog I have no qualms of people clicking away and getting lost elsewhere. If they started their cyber journey on my blog, cool. Maybe that's where they often start their journey. That's cooler. We all gotta' start somewhere. Very little of what you see here is original. It'd be a cyber sin to pretend otherwise. I surf about and share. It's not like I am selling something and want you to stay and shop.
My goal is to share what I find interesting out there. I am a sieve. A filter. If I were writing a resume I might say "researcher". So with that all off my chest, here are some links for you to go get lost in.
The Very Important Blog
Vintage Chevy Chase Video
Reefer Madnessesque FOX News Report
A Very Funny News Report
Happy surfing, my friends.....
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
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About Me

- 420-friendly
- I am a single dad. I like playing on the computer. I smoke pot. I am slowly becoming a legalization activist. I am an open book, but only if you ask.
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